The primary purpose of the Indianapolis Kings Baseball organization is to serve homeschooling athletes.
Homeschooling is defined as education which is parent-directed, privately funded, and typically provided at home or in a co-op environment as further defined below. As such, the definition of homeschooling shall be as follows:
“Homeschooling” is defined to mean that a student’s education is at least 51% parent directed. As such, the parents shall be involved in their child’s education by assuming the role of principal or headmaster, thereby (1) setting the date and requirements for high school graduation; (2) selecting and approving course materials and study schedules; and (3) selecting tutors, correspondence courses, videos, computer courses and similar resources for their child’s education.
The demarcation between a homeschool, a cooperative school, and an umbrella school can sometimes become blurred. Homeschool cooperative programs can be formed to provide efficiencies in the homeschool education. These programs, whether called cooperative, umbrella or “private”, are characterized by significant and direct parental involvement, often simply representing different forms of homeschooling within a group of like-minded families. Clearly enrollment in a traditional public or private school is not homeschooling because the child’s education in such schools is not parent-directed.
It is understood that students may have the opportunity to take dual-credit college courses, particularly in their junior or senior years. This organization encourages such enrollment by homeschool students and the definition above shall not be construed to mean that such students are not homeschooled if the participating college admitted the homeschool student as a high school student.
Where there is a question of eligibility due to the definition of homeschooling, the IKBC Board shall review the matter and render a final decision. All decisions by the IKBC Board are authoritative and final regarding meeting the definition of homeschooling for purposes of gaining membership to the IKBC organization.
Individual Player Eligibility Rules
Player eligibility rules herein follow generally accepted rules established by public and private school associations, and to some extent NCAA rules, particularly with respect to athletic grade designations, years of eligibility and transfer rules.
These rules have been adopted by the IKB organization for the purpose of establishing credibility with other associations, both public and private, and their teams so as to enhance the opportunities homeschool teams may have to play these teams.
It is the belief of the IKB Board that rules which could be construed to mean that IKB teams have undue advantage (for instance, when a player who is designated as a senior appears as a player for a second year) are detrimental to the IKB's efforts to further the opportunities of homeschooled students to play competitive ball and to be recognized by scouts, colleges and universities for their skill and achievement.
Therefore, players are eligible to participate in activities of the IKB if they:
a. Are homeschool students, under the Definition of Homeschooling section above, since January 1st (or since the beginning of the second semester of a two-semester school year, whichever is later) of the year of the baseball season (Homeschool Rule).
b. Live at home with their parent or legal guardian (Residency Rule).
c. Are at least 11 years old and less than 19 years old on the date of September 1 prior to the season (i.e., a player may turn 19 on September 2 prior to the season and may not turn 20 prior to September 2 following the contest). If a boy is 14 years old and less on the date of September 1 prior to the season, the boys would be assigned to the junior high team, but he could play up to a higher level. (Age Rule).
d. Have played high school baseball no more than four years previously (that is, if a player declares his grade level to be eighth grade, he shall be granted five years of eligibility; if a freshman, four years; if a sophomore, three years; if a junior, two years; and if a senior, he shall be granted one year of eligibility) (5-Year Eligibility Rule).
e. Have not been expelled from a public or private school during the academic school year of the contest or in the year prior (Expulsion Rule).
f. Are in good academic standing and are completing a course of study as prescribed by their parents (Academic Rule).
g. Are in good standing with respect to character and behavior according to the player’s parents, coaches, other team leaders, and according to criminal laws applicable to their place of residence (Character Rule). h. In addition to and not excluding the above conditions of eligibility, in certain circumstances, students at small private schools, charter schools, and in some instances online public-school curriculums may be eligible to participate with the IKB organization if they do not otherwise have access to play competitive baseball through their current school system (Hardship Clause). *Please contact us for clarification.